Donate a Vehicle
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Donate a Vehicle
Driving Success accepts vehicle donations exclusively to further our mission of increasing independence and self-sufficiency in our community by providing a path to vehicle ownership for hardworking individuals and families to keep them working and driving toward success.
A qualified vehicle is any motor vehicle manufactured primarily for use on public streets, roads, and highways; a boat; or an airplane. The tax deductibility for a vehicle donation depends upon what the charity does with the vehicle.
With the large variety of vehicle years, makes, models and mileage; donated vehicles will fall into one of three categories within the Driving Success program. Those categories include client distribution, vehicle recycling or vehicle sale. Tax deductibility for each of these categories varies.
Vehicles for Client Distribution
The primary goal of Driving Success is to make material improvements to donated vehicles, ensuring vehicle safety and reliability and distributing the vehicles at a price significantly below fair market value to economically disadvantaged individuals in direct furtherance of its charitable purpose of relieving the underprivileged who are in need of a means of transportation.
A vehicle donation distributed to a Driving Success program client creates an exception to the IRS gross proceeds limit and the deduction taken will be the Fair Market Value of the Vehicle. For tax deductibility, we will need to determine your vehicle’s fair market value as of the date of the contribution. Generally, fair market value is the price a willing buyer would pay and a willing seller would accept for the vehicle, when neither party is compelled to buy or sell, and both parties have reasonable knowledge of the relevant facts. The Kelly Blue Book vehicle pricing guide is used to determine fair market value. The fair market value of a vehicle cannot exceed the price listed for a private-party sale.
Vehicles for Recycling
On occasion, donated vehicles will not be able to be distributed to program clients due to vehicle age, drivability and high mileage. These are vehicles that are beyond repair and are not reliable or road safe for client use. These vehicles will be sold to an automobile recycling company. Proceeds from the sale go back into the program to further the mission.
Tax deductibility for these vehicle donations can be up to, but not to exceed $500.
Vehicles Sold for Proceeds
IRS Donors Guide to Vehicle Donations
Donated vehicles which have a high resale value may not be distributed to a Driving Success client as a program vehicle. Luxury vehicles typically carry much higher repair costs which are too expensive for lower income recipients. These vehicle will be sold at a higher value to maximize the donors tax deduction and the return to Driving Success to benefit a maximum number of clients. For example: the material improvement cost for each program vehicle distributed to a client averages $2,000 to $2,500. If a donated vehicle has a resale value of $10,000 for example, the proceeds of that one vehicle sale, helps Driving Success provide vehicles for four to five program clients. Proceeds from the donated vehicle sale serve more clients and makes a greater impact.
If a vehicle donation to Driving Success is used in this manner, the IRS gross proceeds limit applies. Generally, if Driving Success sells your vehicle, your deduction will be the gross proceeds Driving Success receives from its sale.
Please note: these are guidelines for how donations may be used. Driving Success reviews and evaluates each donation on a case-by-case basis.
Every vehicle donated to Driving Success is equally important, whether it goes to a family or raises funds that go toward preparing other cars for families.
*This page content is for informational purposes only and not intended as legal advice. Please contact your financial advisor or tax accountant to determine if a vehicle donation and its tax deductibility is right for you.