Driving Success Program Overview
Driving Success fully realizes that reliable transportation is a vital component for self-sufficiency, for stable employment, and for the care of children. We seek to provide affordable, reliable transportation to economically vulnerable individuals and families, so they can be dependable employees, take their children to school, shop for groceries and participate in community activities.
Indian River County is home to individuals of all ages and races who work hard every day and unfortunately do not earn enough income to pay for basic necessities such as rent, groceries, transportation, health care and childcare. This population is called ALICE, which is an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed.
According to the latest *ALICE report, released on May 4, 2020, of the 57,636 households in Indian River county, 44 percent struggle to pay for basic needs. These families are one crisis away from poverty. * The most recent ALICE Report can be viewed at https://unitedwayirc.org/alice
Driving Success provides its clients with:
Dependable transportation in the form of a car, truck or van
Financial and car-care/vehicle maintenance workshops
Driving Success obtains vehicles through vehicle donation or purchase, and restores them to good running condition through the support of community partners in the automotive industry and financial contributions from individuals. Vehicles are then distributed to economically disadvantaged individuals and families who qualify for the program.
Eligible clients include, but are not limited to:
Families with Child(ren)—Single Parent (Mother or Father) or an underemployed Couple with Child(ren)
Underemployed (ALICE) who have no dependent children
Moderate Income Families who have no liquid resources and have suffered a catastrophic incident such as:
Domestic violence situation
Youth aging out of foster care